6 Little Money Mindset Shifts You Need Right Now


Video Description

The law of attraction and creating an abundance mindset isn't as hard to create as you might think — even if the people in your life can only think in "scarcity." You can only control your own mind, so in this video, you'll learn 6 mental shifts you can make today to feel more abundant.

1. Write Yourself A Fat Reality Check. Almost half the world lives on less than $2.50 per day. Realize that an abundance mindset begins with appreciating what you have right now. Like Oprah said, "Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough."

2. Get An ATM, or Automatic, Transformative Mantra. To battle the scarcity mentality using the law of attraction, have a mantra on hand that you can say whenever you're parting with money. Something like this: "There's always more where that came from." This will shift you into an abundance mindset as there's real power in words.

3. BYOL, or Bring Your Own Luxury. Who says you can't have nice dinners at home? A little bit of effort can turn a cheap dinner into a nice dinner, while also helping you get into the abundance mindset.

4. Start A Fun Fund. You and your partner have to get on the same page, and a great way to do that is with a joint account or even a piggy bank dedicated solely to things like movies, meals out, travel, or other things you and your partner might normally say you can't afford.

5. Build Your Knowledge Bank. Until you have your money game together and you're living an abundance mindset, you need to keep reading books on money, going to seminars, and listening to audios. You'll learn a ton and actively improve your money mindset.

6. Spread The Wealth. Whenever you're feeling a lack of money, give some away. Make a donation to a charity you believe in to help shift you out of scarcity and into abundance.

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