how I got 200,000 Instagram followers in 1 year


Video Description

here's how I got 200000 Instagram followers in 1 year: in this video I share 11 different tips that you can implement immediately to get more Instagram followers fast. 178,000 followers since last May (14 months) is NOT bad, I am super happy with this growth!

links mentioned:
📍how I get paid to make reels video:
📍how I make money with Instagram:

Outline Of How I Got 200,000 Instagram Followers In 1 Year:
0:00 intro to getting more Instagram followers fast:
2:19 I made sure to use as many new features as I could. New features are Instagram's babies and the algorithm loves you when you use them.
2:30 Posted 2x daily. Can't get around that, if you want followers you have to post.
2:40 Gave away entire tutorials in the captions. These free tutorials were better than most people's paid stuff so of course they did really well.
2:50 Deployed a lot of engagement hacks in my stories. I have a sneaking suspicion that the healthier your story engagement is, the healthier your overall account is.
3:02 Trained my audience to engage on every single one of my reels (I did that by making it in their best interest to comment.)
3:17 Paid very close attention to the pattern of reels that did well, and kept making reels that were basically identical to the ones that were popping off.
4:19 Innovated almost 100% of my content (meaning I followed very few trends).
4:29 Kept my mindset strong during the inevitable highs and lows and ebbs and flows of being a content creator.
4:54 Taught myself to stop being embarrassed by filming myself outside in public and just got the shots I needed.
5:42 Constantly updated and removed and added to my Instagram highlights (these weirdly work well to get more leads)
6:10 Remembered that every view and every comment and every follower is a real human being on the other end of the screen who deserves respect, acknowledgment and gratitude.
7:30 how to make money with your Instagram followers