How To Sell Low-Ticket Products (When You’ve Only Sold High-Ticket Offers)


Video Description

If you want to learn how to sell low-ticket products when you've only ever sold high-ticket offers, this video is going to be very helpful for you. I take 34 minutes and teach you how to sell low-ticket products; you have to unlearn a LOT of different things when you're going from high-ticket offers to selling low-ticket products.

links mentioned:
📍my ads course:
📍my passive income with Instagram course:
📍my viral digital product course:
📍our $3/day ad strategy:

How To Sell Low-Ticket Products (When You’ve Only Sold High-Ticket Offers) Outline:
0:00 intro
2:01 selling high-ticket offers vs low-ticket products
6:31 first step to starting to sell low-ticket products
11:05 you need an upsell funnel
14:44 how to get traffic to your low-ticket products
19:25 2 critical things to keep in mind as you scale your low-ticket products
22:27 the most important thing to do when you’re trying to make $1M selling low-ticket products
29:28 3 resources to help you sell more low-ticket digital products