Value What You Do


Video Description

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Value what you do – it's probably what your main objective is in business and life. But what should you do if your business doesn't seem to help anyone but you?

In this video you'll learn exactly why you should value what you do, and that all forms of expression are important.

Undervaluing your work is common among artists, but even if you create art, you're still helping others with your business. Value what you do since art connects us to our humanity and to each other. Just imagine a world without movies, books, music, paintings, TV shows. We'd have no culture, and we would all be bored out of our minds.

Making money doing something you love, as long as it doesn't hurt or cheat anyone, is by definition a service to the world and your way of helping others through your business. A powerful message for all creatives is to value what you do and realize that your art is important.

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